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Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Demography of primary and secondary school enrolment in Malaysia

Demography in general means the study of the characteristics of human populations, such as size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.

School enrolment is defined as the enrolment of the official age group for a certain level of education, expressed as the percentage of the population from the age group.

Our status of education between the year 1991 and 1997 is not well distributed.

Based on the graph, it is seen that from the year 1991 to 1992 there is an increase by 3%. In the following year from 1992 to 1994, the percentage of primary school enrolment gradually decrease by 1%. However in the year 1995, there is a sudden increase of percentage up to 4%. The graph plummeted from 99% to 90%. A year after 1996, the graph shot up 6%.

The graph of secondary school enrolment is much the same. The graph from year 1998 to 2001 is almost constant with slight increase or decrease. In the year 2002, the graph shot up by 9%, making it 72%. Later i the year 2003, there is also a slight increase from 72% to 80%. Overall, the graph increases over time due to certain factors which change throughout time.

Based on our discussion, one of the factors that effect the graph's increase is birth rate. The population of children aged 7 to 12 between the year 1991 to 1997 differ according to the economical status of parents. The second factor is death rate. Children may have died of various diseases due to weak immune system. Children may also be involved in terrible accidents like car crash.The third factor would be financial problems. Parents are too poor to afford the school fees and textbooks when their children enter secondary school.

Next is the factors for the increase in the graph. The first one is government. They are always aware of the importance of education and imposed a law that children must be sent for education at least at primary level. They also introduced the textbook loan scheme(SPBT) to help poor parents. The next factor is globalization. In the modern era, people realize that they need education because everyday life now is surrounded by technology. Requirements for jobs these days need good qualifications.

For our predictions in the future, there will be an increase in the number of students enrolled in schools because education guarantees a brighter future for them. The government will provide more support to the poor and unfortunate children to maximize the population of literate people so that they may be of use to the country.

In the early nineties, people in rural areas believed that children should be educated at home only. However, during the late nineties, the evolution of technology has caused people to realize the importance of education and prepare their children for the future. In the future, it is hoped that the graph will gradually increase over time.

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